If you found it interesting, I would appreciate it if you could give it a high rating or subscribe to the channel. Source: Seiya Suzuki .285 20 74 OPS.842←Isn’t this actually amazing? #Baseball #Professional Baseball #Nanj #NanG #2ch #5ch #NPB #MLB #Major League #Shohei Otani #Sapporo Dome All videos on this channel are created manually, including automatically generated videos and videos with a lot of repetition. Not. All videos on this channel are created manually and are not automatically generated or highly repetitive. The audio is edited with audio software. I am producing videos by myself, but by creating a video format that simulates a conversation between many people, I prevent the content of the video from becoming monotonous. *About YouTube’s monetization policy This video is original content created entirely by the poster. We try to avoid repetitive content by selecting and switching images that match the text. #Otani #nanj #Seiya Suzuki

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