This channel sends the latest information mainly on 2ch and 5ch threads. Quote: All videos on this channel are created manually and are not automatically generated or repetitive videos. All videos on this channel are created manually and are not automatically generated or highly repetitive. I create videos by myself, but if I create a video format that simulates a conversation between many people, the content of the video becomes monotonous. We are preventing this. *About YouTube’s monetization policy This video is all original content created by one person. We try to avoid repetitive content by selecting and switching images that match the text. Regarding videos, we comply with the following people and guidelines. The following guidelines shall be followed with respect to video. YouTube Guidelinesttps://… Agency for Cultural Affairsttp://… VOICEVOX : Zundamon VOICEVOX: Shikoku Medan VOICEVOX: Mochiko-san VOICEVOX: Tsumugi Kasukabe VOICEVOX: Takehiro Kurono

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